Nora Cortiñas, One of the Mothers of Plaza de Mayo, Dies at 94

BUE12. BUENOS AIRES (ARGENTINA), 30/05/2024.- Fotografía de archivo fechada el 07 de septiembre de 2017 de Nora Cortiñas, integrante de Madres de Plaza de Mayo Línea Fundadora, en una rueda de prensa del Comité Argentino de Solidaridad con el Pueblo Palestino en su sede de Buenos Aires (Argentina). Nora Cortiñas, cofundadora de la asociación de derechos humanos Madres de Plaza de Mayo y uno de los emblemas de la lucha contra la última dictadura militar en Argentina (1977-1983), murió este jueves a 94 años, tras varios días hospitalizada, según informó su familia. Su hijo, Carlos Gustavo Cortiñas, fue detenido el 15 de abril de 1977 y ella, incansable luchadora en primera línea de la organización de derechos humanos (ahora desde la denominada Línea Fundadora), nunca conoció su paradero. EFE/ David Fernández
May 30, 2024 Hour: 10:02 pm
The family of Nora Irma Morales de Cortiña, announced on Thursday her death at the age of 94, and will be remembered as one of the members of the Mothers of Plaza de Mayo Line Founder in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
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The world and regional media have echoed the news, recognizing Nora Morales de Cortiña as a mother who screamed the same thing in front of the cameras with her white scarf on her head and green on her wrist, who played ball, walked with his cane or let himself drive in a wheelchair.
Norita, as she was affectionately recognized, was operated on last May 17 of a hernia that, when combined with other pathologies, “aggravated the picture”.
This Argentine social leader joined the Mothers of Plaza de Mayo after the kidnapping of her son, Gustavo Cortiñas, on April 15, 1977.
#URGENTE # A los 94 fallecio este jueves integrante de Madres de Plaza de Mayo-Linea Fundadora Nora Cortiñas. Luchadora incansable por la defensa de los DDHH, sociales, feministas y obrera. Descansa en paz “Norita”@teleSURtv
— Juan Carlos Bartolotta (@JuanCteleSUR)
May 30, 2024
#URGENTE # A los 94 fallecio este jueves integrante de Madres de Plaza de Mayo-Linea Fundadora Nora Cortiñas. Luchadora incansable por la defensa de los DDHH, sociales, feministas y obrera. Descansa en paz “Norita”@teleSURtv
— Juan Carlos Bartolotta (@JuanCteleSUR)
May 30, 2024
The text reads,
At 94, a member of Madres de Plaza de Mayo-Linea Foundadora Nora Cortiñas died this Thursday. Tireless fighter for the defense of human rights, social, feminist and worker. Rest in peace “Norita”
The Argentine feminist, Mabel Bellucci, who brought her closer to the ranks of the defense of women told the magazine defending the LatFem issue “that militancy treated Norita as a saint, who invoked her in the marches even when she was not there”
Belluci recognized that “it will be difficult not to do so from now on. Although it is known: where there is a struggle, there is Norita”.
The loss of Norita has caused a worldwide impact and several personalities and social organizations have left their condolences.
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Autor: teleSUR/ CC
Fuente: pagina12-efe